Category: Surveillance

  • Business Situations with High Risk

    Business Situations with High Risk

    The most clear sign of secret spying activities is the theft of your confidential information. The underground industry of stealing secrets is worth billions of euros in Europa. The loss of your secrets may not be obvious, so you should always follow your gut feeling…

  • High-risk personal situations

    High-risk personal situations

    Be aware that anyone who has Money, Power, Influence, or access to sensitive, classified, or personal information is in serious danger of being spied on. Similarly, if you are (or have been) employed by any military, government, law enforcement or judicial agency, you have a…

  • Is your team being monitored ?

    Is your team being monitored ?

    Is your team being monitored or do you suspect secret surveillance equipment is installed? Modern monitoring equipment can be placed in an office or a car. Foreign spy agencies and bad actors have found different ways to accomplish this. Foreign governments, competing companies, and private…